School Starts |
Morning Break | Lunch time | School Finishes |
8.50 am |
10.45am – 11.00 am | 12.10 pm – 1.15 pm |
3.15 pm |
Nursery Starts |
Morning session finishes | Lunchtime | Nursery Finishes |
8.45 am | 11.45 am | 12.00 pm – 1.00pm | 3.15 pm |
Children in FS1 have the option to stay a maximum of 29 hours per school week.
Children in FS2 – Year 6 have a total of 32 hours and 5 minutes per school week.
Each morning there is a teacher on duty in the playground from 8.45 am. The children are accompanied into the building for the start of the school day. It is important that children are prompt as late marks result in an absence mark. Absences may only be authorised in exceptional circumstances. The Headteacher is not able to authorise absences due to holidays. A leaflet explaining procedures is available from the school office.
Children in KS1 enjoy two fifteen minute breaks each day. Children in KS2 enjoy a 15 minute break in the morning.