School Meals

School Meals
Facilities are available for your child to stay for a healthy, nutritionally balanced, cooked school dinner, or to bring a packed lunch.  Menus are sent home on a half yearly basis.  Supervision of children at lunchtime is under the direction of the Senior Mid-day Supervisor, Mrs E Hall.

With effect from September 2014 school lunches are offered free of charge to all children in FS2, and Key Stage 1.  The cost of a school lunch for children in FS1 and KS2 is £3.00 per day.  School lunches are paid online using Parent Pay.   Please see the guidance in the menu to the right.  Please contact the school office if you require any assistance using the platform or need your link resending.

Packed Lunches
Children may bring their own packed lunch and a drink clearly named.  We request that fizzy drinks, glass bottles, cans and vacuum flasks are not provided.

Children in KS1 are given fruit each day and KS2 children may bring a piece of fruit with them from home.  Children are encouraged to drink water throughout the day and are asked to bring a named, freshly filled, water bottle each morning.


In December 2014, The EU Food Information for Consumers Regulation (EU FIC) came into force.

As a school we will be required to keep records of all allergens used in school to which children could come into contact.

School’s catering team now need to provide information about 14 allergenic ingredients used in the foods that are provided within the school. Food allergens cannot be removed by cooking that’s why it is essential to check and ask for allergen information to make sure that the food your child eats is safe for them.

Food allergens can be life threatening. If your child has a food allergy, the only way you can manage it is to avoid the foods that make them ill. Please speak to a member of the school office if you have any concerns about the food that your child is eating at school.

Please click on the link and image below for further information.

East Riding of Yorkshire Council allergen advice