Roles and Responsibilities

All staff have received and had time allocated to read and have the opportunity to seek advice or clarification about the current:

• Keeping Children Safe in Education – Part 1 information for all School & College staff.
• School Staff Code of Conduct.
• Staff Child protection Procedures.

All staff have access to the current:

• Keeping Children Safe In Education Full guidance
• School Strategic Child Protection & Safeguarding Policy
• What to Do if you are worried a child is being abused
• The School safeguarding whistle blowing guidance.

All adults working with or on behalf of children have a professional, moral and legal responsibility to safeguard and promote the welfare of children. This includes a responsibility to be alert to possible abuse, neglect, exploitation and violent extremist radicalisation and to record and report concerns to staff identified with child protection responsibilities within the school.

The School DSL/ Deputy DSL
The DSL or Dep DSL (or another appropriately trained Senior member of staff) will be available on site when the school is open to advise staff or respond to urgent Child Protection matters.

The DSL and Deputy DSL are designated to take the lead responsibility for Child protection.
This includes:

• providing advice and support and information to staff as appropriate
• liaising with the LA and other agencies including the involvement in Early Help Assessments and plans
• obtaining, maintaining and transferring CP records for individual pupils and liaising with previous and receiving schools
• ensuring the preparation of appropriate reports for and attendance at Case Conferences, Core Groups and other multi agency meetings
• arranging appropriate induction and continuing training for all staff
• liaising with the headteacher and Designated Child Protection/ Safeguarding Governor
• encouraging a culture in staff of listening to pupils and taking account of their wishes and feelings and supporting measures and plans put in place to support or protect them.

The Governing Body has the responsibility to monitor and ensure that all CP arrangements, procedures, policies and training are in place and effective. Safeguarding is an agenda item on every full governing body meeting, and any relevant reports on the working of the CP policy are reported to governors in this way.

The Governing Body fully recognises its responsibilities with regard to Child Protection and to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children as outlined in Section 2 of KCSiE.