Please note: this plan has been created in line with the advice regarding contingency planning in the DfE’s ‘Full opening guidance’.
If a local lockdown is implemented in our area we will follow the specific guidance and work with national government guidelines and the local health protection team (HPT) and implement provisions as advised.
On-site provision
We will continue to offer on-site provisions for eligible pupils. This list will be updated weekly, via conversations with our parents. As before, the school will openly communicate with parents regarding eligibility. The number of pupils who will be attending school, on any day, from these groups will be identified by asking parents to contact the school office to secure the place. This number will be used to agree what staffing resource is required.
In circumstances where a parent or carer of a child with a social worker does not want their child to attend the school, the school and the child’s social worker will explore the reasons for this directly with the parent or carer, and work together with them to support the child to attend. A specific plan, including a risk assessment, will be in place in order to support the family.
The Headteacher will work will all relevant staff to decide appropriate pupil bubbles. We will work on the basic principle that class sizes are at least halved (with no more than 15 pupils per bubble) and that at least one teacher will be allocated to each bubble. Where there are teacher shortages, support staff will be asked to lead groups under the direction of a teacher.
We will also ensure that all appropriate support is in place for those pupils with SEND who are attending school, with interventions and specific pupil work continuing to take place during this time as much as possible.
Remote education (for Tier 4 of the CONTAIN Framework)
In the event of a local lockdown, we will offer immediate access to remote education for pupils who are required to remain at home. The same will happen if a single class or bubble needs to self-isolate.
Our contingency plans are sequenced in a way that is linked to the school’s curriculum expectations.
For the purpose of this framework, ‘Remote Learning’ is referred to as the provision of learning activities that take place away from a traditional classroom. ‘On-line’ learning involves providing learning activities that require access to the internet.
Teachers will:
- Deliver a planned, coherent and well-sequenced curriculum which allows skills to be built incrementally. Set work that is meaningful and ambitious
- Plan a programme that is of equivalent length to the core teaching pupils would receive in school (minimum of 3 hours a day), following their usual timetable of learning
- Use the class blog as the ‘driver’ detailing all tasks.
- Provide opportunities to ensure children understand their learning tasks- use of help sheets/clips/videos/films
- Ensure lessons are inclusive for all pupils and can be adapted to take account of all needs
- Assess progress by using questions and other suitable tasks and be clear on how regularly work will be checked.
- Feedback to pupils on their learning
- Provide additional support for children/parents through phone calls, email or explanations via video messages
- Speak with pupils on regular basis
- Monitor the daily engagement of pupils and contact those families not engaging, offering support
- Log any safeguarding concerns by telephoning the DSL or DDSL where necessary
The Assistant Headteacher will
- Work with KJ to support pupils who do not have immediate access to technology to support their learning or require additional support
- Ensure the home learning tasks set are to a high standard in line with year group expectations
- Ensure the day to day running of ‘remote’ education and the learning and safety of those on site (Key Worker and Vulnerable Pupils)
Teaching Assistants will:
- Support the learning of pupils they usually work with
- Support the class teacher(s) they usually work with
- Make phone calls to pupils to check on their learning and well-being
- Log any safeguarding concerns by immediately emailing or telephoning the DSL or Deputy DSL
The SENDco and Safeguarding Team will:
- Call identified families regularly to offer support and check on children’s well-being
- Liaise with outside agencies as appropriate to need
- Take part in remote meetings as appropriate to need
- Conduct home visits to families unable to contact or who are causing concern
- Follow up any concerns promptly
The Headteacher will
- Identify pupils who do not have immediate access to technology to support their learning or require additional support
- Ensure those families entitled to Free School Meals will be provided with food or vouchers
- Ensure the home learning tasks set are to a high standard in line with year group expectations
- Ensure that online lessons have protocols and behaviour policies in place to protect staff and safeguard pupils.
- Offer resources to families e.g. workbooks, pens, pencils etc
- Be mindful of balancing staff workload.
- Monitor the phone logs to ensure families are called regularly and any issues are followed up
- Monitor the engagement of pupils learning
- Communicate regularly with families through emails and phone calls
- Organise events to promote a team ethos/community
- Communicate with staff to address any positives and next steps (this could be in person or through virtual media)
- Respond to parents’ queries and concerns
- Ensure the day to day running of ‘remote’ education and the learning and safety of those on site (Key Worker and Vulnerable Pupils)
The Governing Body will adhere to
o Government guidance on remote learning;
o Data protection and GDPR;
o Safeguarding procedures;
o Secure remote learning systems and platforms;
They will maintain a strategic oversight of remote learning.
Staff must follow the school’s ‘Code of Conduct’ which states that personal details, including personal telephone numbers and email address will not be shared with pupils, parents/carers.
The use of online filtering and blocking of inappropriate material and interactions will be maintained and monitored.
All staff who interact with children, including online, must continue to look out for signs a child may be at risk. Any such concerns should be dealt with following the school’s Child Protection procedures and, where appropriate, referrals should be made to Children’s Social Care.
Data Protection
Staff members should ensure that they are using school approved devices that use appropriate security settings and features as well as official school email addresses. Personal email addresses or telephone numbers must not be shared. School will ensure that devices are installed with up to date antivirus and anti-spyware software.
All staff members must take appropriate steps to ensure their devices remain secure. This includes, but is not limited to:
Keeping the device password-protected
Ensuring that the device is managed in accordance with the school’s GDPR policies, so that if the device is lost or stolen, the files stored on the hard drive cannot be accessed by attaching it to a new device;
Making sure the device locks if left inactive for a period of time;
Not sharing the device among family or friends;
Keeping operating systems up to date
Advice to Parents and Carers
We will signpost parents/carers via newsletters and/or the website to the following sources of advice about online safety.
- Parent info
- Thinkuknow – for advice from the National Crime Agency to stay safe online
- UK Safer Internet Centre
- – Online educational resources for schools and parents to help children to learn at home during the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak.