Being online is an integral part of the lives of children today. They are having to navigate growing up with the advantages and disadvantages of social media in a way no other generation has.
At Brandesburton Primary, online safety is of the upmost importance and as such, is woven throughout the whole curriculum. As with other subjects the understanding and support of our parents, carers and the wider community is essential to truly embed awareness and good practice in our children. We all have a role to play.
The internet, on the whole, is an inspiring and positive place packed with amazing resources which enable children and young people to connect, communicate and create in so many ways, using a range of devices. Within school we think it is really important that the children become confident users of the internet. Therefore, for both Computing and other curriculum subjects, children will frequently use tablets, laptops and computers.
However, the internet is always changing. The challenge is, how do we keep up to date with these changes and the technology our children and young people use?
Even though you may sometimes feel your children have better technical skills than you do, they still need advice and protection when it comes to managing their lives online. They need support to ensure their personal safety and care for their emotional health.
Thankfully there are some really good sources of help, which we have included here. The links/documents below and to the right give a range of information in relation to online safety for both children and parents to access.
Please take some time to take a look at these resources and always speak to your child’s teacher for further information if required.
A useful way to remember how to stay safe is to ……..SMILE
S – Stay Safe
Keep your personal details private, such as full name, phone number, home address, photos or school. Never tell people your name, age or whether you are a boy or girl.
M – Meeting Up
Never arrange to meet an online friend, no matter how well you think you know the other person or however curious you may be.
Only meet up if you have first told your parent or carer and they will be with you.
I – Information Online
Information online can be untrue, their own opinion (not a fact) or just wrong. Someone online may not be telling the truth about who they are – they may not be a ‘friend’.
Chats and message boards are fun, but they can also be dangerous because you don’t know who you’re talking to. Remember stranger danger – you should use the same rules when you’re online.
L – Let An Adult Know
Let a parent, carer, teacher or trusted adult know if you ever feel worried, uncomfortable or frightened about something online or someone you have met or who has contacted you online.
E – Emails Can Be Dangerous
Emails, downloads, messages, photos and anything from someone you do not know or trust may contain a virus or unpleasant message. So do not open or reply.
Social games that allow chat whilst playing and apps that encourage the posting of videos and images are now a large part of children’s down time. Net Aware is a superb guide to the different apps and games and gives advice on the tools available to manage them with your child.
Fantastic one-page online safety guides are also released weekly on the National Online Safety website. These guides provide parents with safety tips on gaming, social media, online platforms, mental health and so much more.
Please see the examples below.