Our Enterprise curriculum is now being replaced by a new and exciting careers initiative. At Brandesburton Primary School we have been chosen to take part in a pilot scheme implementing a careers based approach to our curriculum. We are working towards being assessed for The Career Mark Primary Award in the summer term.
Experience has shown that young people gain many benefits from careers education that introduces them to the world of work and helps them see the relevance of their studies. It has also been shown that their aspiration and attainment levels increase.
In the past, the Enterprise teams have worked hard within the school, village and wider communities. This will continue within the parameters of the Careers Mark Programme.
This academic year we are holding a series of “Big Me weeks” the first one “The Big Money” week took place in November lots of people visited throughout the week to talk about their various roles within the financial sector the week culminated with National Westminster bank helping to run workshops for the children.
Future “Big Me” weeks are as follows:
Week beginning 28 January 2019, The Big Me …Science and engineering week.
Week beginning 6 February 2019, The Big Me …Community event. Reduce, Reuse, Recycle.
Week beginning 4 March, The Big Me …Words week.
Week beginning 6 May 2019, The Big Me …British Values week.
Week beginning 24 June 2019, The Big Me …Inspire week.
If you can offer your expertise in any field of employment and are willing to come into school, please speak to either Mrs. Prince or Mrs. Ledingham.
Thank you for your continued support. Mrs. Prince.
Big me Science Week Big me Science Week Big me Science Week