
What does this look like?


In EYFS we complete baseline assessments within the first few weeks of the children starting in both FS1 and FS2. This provides us with the children’s starting point and we can plan for the progress of each child accordingly. For children in FS2 we complete the Statutory Reception Baseline Assessment. This is a short, interactive and practical assessment of your child’s early literacy, communication, language and mathematics skills, using materials that most children will be familiar with.

Assessment is ongoing daily through observations, discussions, small group work and focused tasks. This assessment then informs the planning of class provision and teaching. At the end of each half term we record the progress of each child in all seven areas of learning and this is used to track each child and set targets for the next half term.


EYFS: FS1 and FS2 planned and delivered separately daily. Notes made on planning from daily taught sessions and guided sessions in continuous provision.

KS1 and KS2 staff use the daily Quick Starts, daily maths lesson, learning journey from each unit, arithmetic tests(where appropriate), post unit assessment, end of unit assessment and termly assessments to formulate their assessment for every child.

Maths in EYFS follows   Mastery the Curriculum this is separate planning for FS1 and FS2

Maths from Year 1 – Year 6 follows the White Rose Hub programme of study. Objectives are planned progressively taken from the national curriculum. Teachers can alter the order or slow down the sequence to ensure the children’s needs are met.


EYFS: RWI , daily story and nursey rhyme teaching.

Staff plan using the RWI programme, Development matters and the EYFS handbook 2023

Key stage one: RWI assessments, home reading books Oxford Owl, guided reading sessions for children who have finished RWI.

Key stage two: Whole class daily guided reading outcomes, reading fluency daily, non-fiction Friday, and whole class assessments.

Staff plan and assess against the national curriculum and guidance given from the English lead on coverage of the cognitive domains.


EYFS: RWI , daily fine motor skills practice in small group focus sessions and through each area of learning in continuous provision.

Staff plan using the RWI programme, Development matters and the EYFS handbook 2023

KS1 – KS2 : All units of writing follow a learning journey with SPAG taught throughout feeding into the genre the children are learning how to write. At the end of a unit, children are given the opportunity to apply the learnt skills and write their own outcome. Over each half term the coverage is even between fiction and non-fiction, staff use these outcomes alongside the national curriculum and progression of skills documents for writing to asses.

Whole school we also carry out moderation (in school and externally). Staff work together using the coaching model to support, challenge and ensure assessments are accurate and have an impact on ensuring maximum progress for every child.

Science: To judge that a pupil is working at the expected standard in science, teachers need to have evidence which demonstrates that the pupil meets all of the ‘working scientifically’ statements and all of the ‘science content’ taught in the final year of each key stage. Reference to the year 2 and year 6 teacher assessment framework documents are used for this.

In addition to this end of Key Stage statutory assessment, we aim to assess science by using our working scientifically skills progression document and the programme of study skills progression document for summative assessment. To inform this judgement, the content objectives for each programme of study are stuck in individual pupil books and dated when a pupil has achieved each objective. Also used to support teachers with formative assessment are the PLAN examples of work, substantive knowledge quizzes for each programme of study, use of the Explorify website for questioning and discussion and the TAPS focussed assessments which are recorded in whole-class floor books.

Foundation Subjects:

Staff assess progress against the key skills and knowledge set out in the programme of study for each subject. This is used for EYFS to Year 6. Each member of staff takes into account our curriculum’s purpose and aims for every subjects, and assess whether pupils are meeting them. All staff look at pupils’ attitudes and the process that they follow, as well as at the end product that they create. Children are assessed as below, working towards or working at the expected standard.

Opportunities for assessment are in short, medium and long-term planning.

Assessment is an integral part of the teaching and learning process. The focus across the whole curriculum is on  creating clear learning outcomes and children knowing the criteria relating to achieving each outcome and developing the knowledge and skills which is then built on year on year right from EYFS.

Assessment activities range from subject to subject. These are/ can be carried out by pupils and/or teachers as part of self, peer or group assessment. Some examples we use are listed below:

**We do not force one rule for all but instead we support staff to use a range of assessments throughout a learning journey to ensure the skills and knowledge within each unit are assessed in line with how they have been taught***

Staff coach each other, work with subject leaders and governors and schools in the local area to help ensure judgments are accurate.

Smiley face or traffic light systems

These can be more effective for younger pupils or those with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND). They can then assess and rank their own or their neighbour’s progress against a series of learning objectives.

‘I can’ statements

These statements can be used to assess themselves at the start and end of a term to help demonstrate the progress  made.

Using learning objectives

Pupils  produce work/ outcomes set against a series of learning objectives to assess their progress.

Role play

This can help pupils explore and demonstrate knowledge and skills relating to a particular topic without writing being a barrier.

Questioning on a particular topic

Questioning/ quizzes identify pupils’ understanding.

Getting pupils to present their work

This could be useful at the end of a topic to demonstrate progress in knowledge and understanding.