Absence and Illness

As a school we are keen to promote regular attendance and punctuality.  Please let us know before 9.30 am when your child is absent (01964 542472).  Absences without notification will result in the absence being recorded as unauthorised.

If you are considering any absence from school for exceptional circumstances, please click on the links to the side.

First Aid
Our qualified First Aiders will deal with minor accidents such as bumps and cuts, in school.  Parents will always be contacted if the injury is thought to be serious.  If this is not possible, then medical or hospital treatment will be sought at once.  A member of staff will remain with the child until a parent or relative arrives.  Similarly, if a child becomes too ill to be at school, we will telephone you.

It is vital that the school has up to date information and contact numbers for you in case of emergency.  Please notify us of any changes immediately.

All members of staff are under no obligation to administer medicines at school.  If possible, we request a parent, or a person designated by the parent, attends the school at the appropriate times to administer the medicine.  However, where there is a long term requirement for medical support during school time, every effort will be made to support the child/family.

Where pupils with special needs are admitted to a school, the issue of administration of medicine will be resolved prior to admission through a case conference.